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Button Group

The ButtonGroup component can be used to group related buttons.

Basic button group

The buttons can be grouped by wrapping them with the ButtonGroup component. They need to be immediate children.

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Button variants

All the standard button variants are supported.

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Sizes and colors

The size and color props can be used to control the appearance of the button group.

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Vertical group

The button group can be displayed vertically using the orientation prop.

Split button

ButtonGroup can also be used to create a split button. The dropdown can change the button action (as in this example) or be used to immediately trigger a related action.

Disabled elevation

You can remove the elevation with the disableElevation prop.

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Experimental APIs

Loading button

You can use the <LoadingButton /> from @mui/lab in the button group.

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Material Design 3

The default Material UI Button Group component follows the Material Design 2 specs. To use the M3 version, install the experimental @mui/material-next package.

import ButtonGroup from '@mui/material-next/ButtonGroup';
<ButtonGroup />


To learn more about Material UI's M3 implementation, visit the M3 Components documentation.


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.